Exercise and Central Nervous System Function in Progressive MS


Study Title: Exercise and Central Nervous System Function in Progressive MS
Rationale: To accelerate the development of improved rehabilitation approaches for people with progressive MS.
Study Description: We are conducting a study at the University of Regina in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies. The study examines how exercise can be best prescribed to improve walking function for people with progressive multiple sclerosis (MS). As a participant of the study, you will perform 60 minutes of supervised exercise three times per weeks for 12 weeks and we will measure changes in: your fitness and walking abilities, the excitability of your nervous system, and markers of health in your blood.

The final results of this research will involve dissemination of findings via public and conference presentations, and publication of lay (e.g. social media) and peer-reviewed scientific works.The information will be directed to a wide audience including researchers, healthcare providers and decision-makers, and people with MS. These findings can be immediately applied to practice.

Starting Date: 2022-04-01
Ending Date: 2024-12-30
Who can participate: Adults with a diagnosis of progressive MS by a neurologist
Trial Institution: University of Regina, Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies
Trial Investigator: Dr. Cameron Mang
Contact Information: Sherrise Richards
Trial Funding: Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Establishment Grant