Social Network Analysis of Care-Partners of Individuals with MS (SNAP-MS)


Study Title: Social Network Analysis of Care-Partners of Individuals with MS (SNAP-MS)
Rationale: Many individuals with MS require a care-partner (i.e., friend or family member) to assist them with daily activities and the provision of care. MS care-partners often report elevated levels of stress and unmet needs related to their caregiver role. Sufficient access to appropriate resources may mitigate caregiving-related stress and burden. However, little is known about the current state of support structures being relied upon by MS care-partners in Canada and their support preferences. The purpose of SNAP-MS is to characterize Canadian MS care-partner support networks to inform future resource development and deployment.
Study Description: SNAP-MS is a bimodal social network analysis examining which and how MS care-partners use supports in their caregiving role. Participants may participate in two ways. Care-partners from across Canada may complete an online survey with questions about themselves and their caregiving role. Those who complete the online survey will also be asked to complete a questionnaire about the supports that they use as care-partners. Online study completion is estimated to take around 40 minutes in total.

Care-partners living in Eastern Ontario may opt to complete in-person network mapping interviews. These 90-minute interviews will take place in meeting spaces in their community. Participants will be guided by a trained interviewer to construct a physical map of their supports and discuss how and when they may use supports. They will also complete a brief survey with questions about themselves and their caregiving role. The interview will be recorded for analysis.

Results of the study will inform the development of future supports for MS care-partners. Findings will be presented publicly (e.g., conferences, seminars) and published (e.g., peer-reviewed journals, newsletters).
Starting Date: 2023-10-17
Ending Date: 2024-10-17
Who can participate: Eligible participants must:
a) Be age 18 years or older
b) Regularly provide help with daily activities to a person with MS
c) Be able to complete a series of questionnaires in English
d) Currently reside in Canada
Trial Institution: University of Ottawa
Trial Investigator: Katherine Cardwell, PhD(c)
Contact Information:
Trial Funding: Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa