- Understanding Sexual Difficulties in People with MS
- Exploring the Lived Experience of Health and the Influence of Gender for Women with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in Canada
- MS and Domestic Violence
- Caring for the Family Caregiver: Testing the effect of two wellness programs that support wellbeing of family caregivers of persons with dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases
- The CircaHealth study – CircaMS: Circadian rhythmicity as a biomarker for symptomatic phenotypes in MS
- Preferences for physical activity programming in persons with neurological conditions
- Factors Describing Cognitive Fatigue in Neurological Conditions
- Social Network Analysis of Care-Partners of Individuals with MS (SNAP-MS)
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
- Dual-task EMG Biofeedback Balance Training to Improve Balance in Individuals with MS
- Cognitive-motor assessment in people with multiple sclerosis
- Social Network Analysis of Care-Partners of Individuals with MS (SNAP-MS)
- A Phase I double-blind study of metformin acting on endogenous neural progenitor cells in children with multiple sclerosis (MetF MS)
- Walk Best with MS: Integrating the ‘Heel-2-Toe’ sensor with physiotherapy training for improving walking quality in people with MS
- Exercise and Central Nervous System Function in Progressive MS